How to Make Name Socks


Name socks are a fun way to add a unique flair or personality to the name tags that you often see on guests at weddings, baby showers, birthday parties, etc. Name tags are the “oh so important” piece of wedding attire, and when they come in the colors and patterns of your choosing, you can really make a statement. Here’s how to make yours:

First, choose the words that you want to include on your socks. It doesn’t matter what is on the actual name tag…you want to put words on there that will make your name stand out! Maybe something like “Lori Smith” would be a great name for a son, and “Robby Jones” would be great for daughters. Also, think about the middle name that you have and incorporate it into the name sock that you make. For example, if you have Patrice, you could do something like” PATRICE’S ONLY DADDY”!

Making your own name socks is super easy, and it can really help you show off your personality. I recommend that you first get some inspiration from magazines or maybe even websites online. Once you find a few ideas, take them and run them by your fiance or mom, and have them make a few samples for you. Once you have samples, you can pick out which words you want to be on your socks and go from there!
